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Author Guidelines

The following files contain the respective author information:

Paper template (click here to download).

Copyright form (click here to download).


Copyright Notice

Submission of an original manuscript to the Journal will be taken to mean that it represents original work not previously published, that is not being considered elsewhere for publication; that the authors are willing to assign copyright to tha journal as per a contract that will be sent to the author just prior to publication and, if accepted for publication, it will be published in print and on-line and it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, for commercial purposes, in any language, without the consent of the publisher

The journal takes the stance that the publication of scholarly research is meant to disseminate knowledge and, in a not-for-profit regime, benefits neither publisher nor author financially. It sees itself as having an obligation to its authors and to society to make content available on-line now that the technology allows for such a possibility.

The authors agree to the terms of this Copyright Notice, which will apply to this submission if and when it is published by this journal (comments to the editor can be added below).